Month: March 2018

Note to Self: Recursive Apotropaism

It is one of those moments by which the sting probably makes it feel more significant than it is, but still, I just don’t feel like dealing with this, right now:

Oh, for … now I have to go back and … I know the first definition, but have overlooked the second in a way that is actually important but obscure and therefore hard to explain. Stetkevych, “Muhammad and the Golden Bough”. Recursive apotropaism in the analysis that I missed.

[Stetkevych, Jaroslav. Muhammad and the Golden Bough: Reconstructing Arabian Myth. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1996.]

See also: Robert Macfarlane:

Word of the day: “apotropaic” – of an object, mark, gesture or utterance; preventing of evil, warding off of harm. Also, of an image or sight; causing the viewer to turn away, to feel unsettled.
(from Greek ἀποτρέπειν ,”to turn away”, to “avert”)